Activity : e-Learning/Tele-Education

Remote-lecture to Gomel State Medical University via the Internet

For the 20th anniversary of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant occurred on April 26, 1986, a remote-lecture was held via the Internet in cooperation with Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and Gomel State Medical University (Belarus) at Nagasaki National Peace Memorial Hall for the Atomic Bomb Victims on Friday, April 21, 2006.

Since 1991, Nagasaki University has contributed to the international research collaboration in the field of radiation sciences and medical cooperation to clarify the health effects of population around Chernobyl. Additionally, we have developed educational support programs for doctors and medical students who are in charge of medical care for radiation-exposed victims. Since 2002, we have promoted “Radiation Life Science e-Learning Program”, within a framework of the 21st Century Center of Excellence (COE) program “International Consortium for Medical Care of Hibakusha and Radiation Life Science”.

Firstly, Dr. Kunihiro Tsukasaki (Associate Professor, Department of Hematology and Molecular Medicine, Atomic Bomb Disease Institute) delivered a lecture entitled “ Latest knowledge of leukemia treatment” and reviewed on bone marrow transplant and molecular-targeting drugs with fewer side-effects than existing anticancer drug treatment to faculty members and students of Gomel State Medical University. Following the discussion, Prof. Shunichi Yamashita, Atomic Bomb Disease Institute (temporarily transferred to WHO) delivered an additional lecture on the molecular mechanism of radiation-induced thyroid cancer at Gomel State Medical University. This lecture was also delivered to Nagasaki.