(1) Transgenic mice conditionally expressing the mutant Braf oncogene using Cre-loxP system has been established. The process of carcinogenesis will be evaluated in these mice and those crossed with other genetically-engineered mice.
Furthermore, enhancement of growth of thyroid cancer cells by fibroblasts, which is further augmented by irradiation, has been demonstrated in a rat model. The next step will be to expand this experimental approach to human cells, and involvement of microenvironment including fibroblasts to carcinogenesis will be studied.
(2) Enhancement of development of iodine-induced and spontaneous Hashimoto’ thyroiditis by low-dose irradiation has been confirmed in NOD-H2h4 mice. Involvement of IL-17-secreting Th17 cells in the pathogenesis of Hashimoto’ thyroiditis has also been demonstrated in these mice, but not in Graves’ disease in BALB/c mice. Anti-CD20 antibody has been shown to suppress development of Graves’ hyperthyroidism. Future study will be to evaluate the therapeutic effect of bortezomib and immune proteasome inhibitor on experimental thyroid autoimmune diseases.
(3) We identified a causative mutation in the patients with Nakajo-Nishimura syndrome. We will analyze the charactaristics of mutant protein in molecular, cellular and animal experiments.
(4) We reported high serum concentration of VEGF in the patients with RS3PE syndrome. We will confirm the association between high serum concentration of VEGF and platelet activation in these patients. It will provide us a new insight of platelet-mediated arthritis.