論文業績のFull listはこちら(PubMedへのリンクです。著者名で検索しているため誤りを含む可能性があります。)
TERT promoter mutations increase tumor aggressiveness by altering TERT mRNA splicing in papillary thyroid carcinoma.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab, dgae220, Epub [PubMed]
Characteristics and immune checkpoint status of radioiodine-refractory recurrent papillary thyroid carcinomas from Ukrainian Chornobyl Tissue Bank donors.
Front Endocrinol (Lausanne), 14: 1343848, 2024 [PubMed]
Radiation-related thyroid cancer.
Endocr Rev, 45: 1-29, 2024 [PubMed]
TERT promoter mutations in thyroid cancer.
Endocr J, 70: 1035-1049, 2023 [PubMed]
Molecular and cellular basis of the dose-rate-dependent adverse effects of radiation exposure in animal models. Part II: Hematopoietic system, lung and liver.
J Radiat Res, 64: 228-249, 2023 [PubMed]
Molecular and cellular basis of the dose-rate-dependent adverse effects of radiation exposure in animal models. Part I: Mammary gland and digestive tract.
J Radiat Res, 64: 210-227, 2023 [PubMed]
Analysis of differentially expressed genes on human X chromosome harboring large deletion induced by X-rays.
J Radiat Res, 64: 300-303, 2023 [PubMed]
Anti-CENP-C Antibody-Based Immunofluorescence Dicentric Assay: Radiation Dose-Response, Validation Studies, and Radiation Dose-Dependency on Sister Centromere Fluorescence.
Radiat Res, 199: 74-82, 2023 [PubMed]
The relationship of the clinicopathological characteristics and treatment results of post-Chornobyl papillary thyroid microcarcinomas with the latency period and radiation exposure.
Frontiers Endocrinol (Lausanne), 13: 1078258, 2022 [PubMed]
The high degree of similarity in histopathological and clinical characteristics between radiogenic and sporadic papillary thyroid microcarcinomas in young patients.
Frontiers Endocrinol (Lausanne), 13: 970682, 2022 [PubMed]
Characterization of radiation-induced micronuclei associated with premature senescence, and their selective removal by senolytic drug, ABT-263.
Mutat Res Genet Toxicol Environ Mutagen, 876-877: 503448, 2022 [PubMed]
Clinicopathological Implications of the BRAFV600E Mutation in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma of Ukrainian Patients Exposed to the Chernobyl Radiation in Childhood: A Study for 30 Years After the Accident.
Front Med, 9: 882727, 2022 [PubMed]
Characterization of radiation-induced micronuclei associated with premature senescence, and their selective removal by senolytic drug, ABT-263.
Cancers, 13: 6038, 2021 [PubMed]
Thyroid dose estimates for the genome-wide association study of thyroid cancer in persons exposed in Belarus to 131I after the Chernobyl accident.
J Radiat Res, 2021 Sep Epub [PubMed]
Preoperative detection of the TERT promoter mutations in papillary thyroid carcinomas.
Clin Endocrinol, 95: 790-799, 2021 [PubMed]
Major Oncogenic Drivers and Their Clinicopathological Correlations in Sporadic Childhood Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma in Belarus.
Cancers, 13: 3374, 2021 [PubMed]
Technical Report: A Simple and Robust Real-Time Quantitative PCR Method for the Detection of Radiation-Induced Multiple Exon Deletions of the Human HPRT Gene.
Radiet Res, 2021 Jun Epub [PubMed]
Cell competition between anaplastic thyroid cancer and normal thyroid follicular cells exerts reciprocal stress response defining tumor suppressive effects of normal epithelial tissue.
PLoS One, 16: e0249059, 2021 [PubMed]
Recent advances in radiobiology with respect to pleiotropic aspects of tissue reaction.
J Radiat Res, 62(Suppl_1): i30-i35, 2021 [PubMed]
Molecular pathogenesis of pediatric thyroid carcinoma.
J Radiat Res, 62(Suppl_1): i71-i77, 2021 [PubMed]
Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma in Ukraine After Chernobyl and in Japan After Fukushima: Different Histopathological Scenarios.
Thyroid, 2020 Aug Epub [PubMed]
The clinicopathological results of thyroid cancer with BRAFV600E mutation in the young population of Fukushima.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 105: dgaa573, 2020 [PubMed]
Biological Features Implies Potential Use of Autologous Adipose-Derived Stem/Progenitor Cells in Wound Repair and Regenerations for the Patients with Lipodystrophy.
Int J Mol Sci, 20: 5505, 2019 [PubMed]
Radiation-Induced Thyroid Cancers: Overview of Molecular Signatures.
Cancers, 11: 1290, 2019 Review [PubMed]
TERT mRNA Expression as a Novel Prognostic Marker in Papillary Thyroid Carcinomas.
Thyroid, 29: 1105-1114, 2019 [PubMed]
TERT promoter mutation in primary papillary thyroid carcinoma lesions predicts absent or lower 131 i uptake in metastases.
IUBMB Life, 71: 1030-1040, 2019 [PubMed]
Paracrine Effects of Adipose-Derived Stem Cell Promote Lymphangiogenesis in Irradiated Lymphatic Endothelial Cells.
Plast Reconstr, 143: 1189e-1200e, 2019 [PubMed]
JAK/STAT3 and NF-κB Signaling Pathways Regulate Cancer Stem-Cell Properties in Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer Cells.
Thyroid, 29: 674-682, 2019 [PubMed]
Histopathological analysis of papillary thyroid carcinoma detected during ultrasound screening examinations in Fukushima.
Cancer Sci, 110: 127-133, 2019 [PubMed]
Comparative Histopathologic Analysis of "Radiogenic" and "Sporadic" Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma: Patients Born Before and After the Chernobyl Accident.
Thyroid, 28: 880-890, 2018 [PubMed]
Expression of VHL tumor suppressor mRNA and miR-92a in papillary thyroid carcinoma and their correlation with clinical and pathological parameters.
Med Oncol, 35: 17, 2018 [PubMed]
Lessons from Fukushima: Latest Findings of Thyroid Cancer After the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident.
Tyroid, 28: 11-22, 2018 [PubMed]
Cytogenetic biodosimetry and dose-rate effect after radioiodine therapy for thyroid cancer
Radiat Environ Biophys, 56: 213-226, 2017 [PubMed]
Analyzing ATM Function by Electroporation of Endonucleases and Immunofluorescence Microscopy
Methods Mol Biol, 1599: 85-96, 2017 [PubMed]
Identification of Three Novel Fusion Oncogenes, SQSTM1/NTRK3, AFAP1L2/RET, and PPFIBP2/RET in Thyroid Cancers of Young Patients in Fukushima
Thyroid, 27: 811-818, 2017 [PubMed]
What Is the "Screening Effect" Six Years After the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident?
Thyroid, 27: 595-596, 2017 [PubMed]
TERT promoter mutations and Ki-67 labeling index as a prognostic marker of papillary thyroid carcinomas: combination of two independent factors
Sci Rep, 7: 41752, 2017 [PubMed]
Genotype analyses in the Japanese and Belarusian populations reveal independent effects of rs965513 and rs1867277 but do not support the role of FOXE1 polyalanine tract length in conferring risk for papillary thyroid carcinoma
Thyroid, 27: 224-235, 2017 [PubMed]