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Welcome to join us!
We are recruiting graduate students and research fellows. Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in basic and translational researches about stem cells, regenerative medicine, cancer, autophagy, and radiation biology.

Features of our laboratory !
Excellent research environment
In addition to excellent facilities in the institute, working with many young clinician investigators and international students/fellows in our department will be the most attributive for enjoying your researches.

Broad research theme
With “stem cells” as the key word, we are doing basic and translational studies about regenerative medicine, cancer, and radiation biology.

Flexible research guidance
Our staffs with different research backgrounds hold abundant knowledge and various experimental skills. According to your research interesting and experience, flexible research guidance will be provided from our staffs.

Please contact with Prof. Li.
Department of Stem Cell Biology,
Atomic Bomb Disease Institute, Nagasaki University
Sakamoto 1-12-4, Nagasaki 852-8523, Japan
TEL : +81-95-819-7099
FAX : +81-95-819-7100
E-mail litaoshe@nagasaki-u.ac.jp
  Copyright(C) Nagasaki University