- May 21, 2024
"Staff" was updated. - Dec.6, 2022
"Message" "Staff" "Research" was updated. - Aug.18, 2021
"Staff" was updated. - Jun.1, 2020
"Staff" was updated. - Sep.30, 2019
Renewal of English version Web. - Nov.30, 2017
The 6th Health Lecture for Atomic Bomb Survivor" is held. - Nov.28, 2017
"Working Seminar organized by Nagasaki University and Nuclear Evaluation Protection Centre (CEPN) " is held. - Oct.19, 2017
The 5th Health Lecture for Atomic Bomb Survivor" is held. - Sep.30, 2017
We exhibited at "FUTABA WORLD". - Sep.21, 2017
The 4th Health Lecture for Atomic Bomb Survivor" is held. - Aug.17, 2017
The 3rd Health Lecture for Atomic Bomb Survivor" is held. - Jul.20, 2017
The 2nd Health Lecture for Atomic Bomb Survivor" is held. - Jun.15, 2017
The 1st Health Lecture for Atomic Bomb Survivor" is held. - Jun.12, 2017
Staff Page was updated. - May 26, 2017
Staff Page was updated. - Nov.12, 2016
The 21st School Of Medicine Festival" is held. - Oct.20, 2016
The 5th Health Lecture for Atomic Bomb Survivor" is held. - Sep.15, 2016
The 4th Health Lecture for Atomic Bomb Survivor" is held. - Aug.18, 2016
The 3rd Health Lecture for Atomic Bomb Survivor" is held. - Jul.27, 2016
The letter has appeard on "Lancet Diabetes and Endcornology". - Jul.21, 2016
"The 2nd Health Lecture for Atomic Bomb Survivor" is held. - Jun.30, 2016
"The 1st Health Lecture for Atomic Bomb Survivor" is held. - Jun.20, 2016
Publication 2016 page was updated. - Jun.13, 2016
Publication 2016 page was updated. - May 25, 2016
Publication page was updated. - May 6, 2016
The letter has appeard on "Science". - Apr.30, 2016
We run in the marathon,that took place in Kawauchi Village. - Apr.1, 2016
Staff Page was updated. - Mar.11, 2016
"Radiation Q&A"is issued. - Mar.31, 2015
"Public Relations Magazine,"CHOHO" Special Edition",is issued. - Sep.25, 2014
Yuko Obuchi,Minister of Economy,Trade and industry has been visited Kawauchi-mura. - Jun.25, 2014
"The Health Lecture for Atomic Bomb Survivor" is held once a month, 14:00 - 15:30 at the Nagasaki National Peace Memorial Hall for the Atomic Victims. - Aug.11, 2011
The Seminar of G-COE was held on August 8 (Monday) 2011. We invited Dr. Rethy Kieth Chhem, Professor, Director of the Division of Human Health, IAEA as the speaker: - May 16, 2011
"The Health Lecture for Atomic Bomb Survivor" is held on the third Thursday every month, 15:00 - 16:00 at the Nagasaki National Peace Memorial Hall for the Atomic Victims. - May 16, 2011
We opened "Professor Profile", "Staff", "Publication" and "Links" pages. - May 16, 2011
Renewal of English version Web.