  1. Shibata K, Nakayama T, Hirakawa H, Hidaka S, Nagayasu T: Clinicopathological significance of angiopoietin-like protein 4 expression in oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma. J Clin Pathol 63: 1054-1058, 2010
  2. Dzodic R, Stanojevic B, Saenko V, Nakashima M, Markovic I, Pupic G, Buta M, Inic M, Rogounovitch T, Yamashita S: Intraductal papilloma of ectopic breast tissue in axillary lymph node of a patient with a previous intraductal papilloma of ipsilateral breast: a case report and review of the literature. Diagn Pathol 12: 5: 17, 2010
  3. Yokomine T, Hirakawa H, Ozawa E, Shibata K, Nakayama T: Pulmonary thrombotic microangiopathy caused by gastric carcinoma. J Clin Pathol 63: 367-369, 2010
  4. Inoue N, Isomono H, Matsushima K, Hayashi T, Kunizaki M, Hidaka S, Machida H, Mitsutake N, Nanashima A, Takeshima F, Nakayama T, Ohtsuru A, Nakashima M, Nagayasu T, Yamashita S, Nakao K, Kohno S: Down-regulation of microRNA10a expression in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma cells. Oncol Lett 1: 527-531, 2010
  5. Matsuu-Matsuyama M, Nakashima M, Shichijo K, Okaichi K, Nakayama T, Sekine I: Basic fibroblast growth factor suppresses radiation induced apoptosis and TP53 pathway in rat small intestine. Radiat Res 174: 52-61, 2010
  6. Hirakawa H, Shibata K, Ohzono E: Use of a semi-dry dot-blot for rapid detection of lymph node metastasis. Clin Chim Acta 411: 1149-1150, 2010
  7. Khan KN, Kitajima M, Hiraki K, Yamaguchi N, Katamine S, Matsuyama T, Nakashima M, Fujishita A, Ishimaru T, Masuzaki H: Escherichia coli contamination of menstrual blood and effect of bacterial endotoxin on endometriosis. Fertil Steril 94: 2860-2863, 2010
  8. Khan KN, Kitajima M, Hiraki K, Fujishita A, Nakashima M, Ishimaru T, Masuzaki H: Cell proliferation effect of GnRH agonist on pathological lesions of women with endometriosis, adenomyosis and uterine myoma. Hum Reprod 25: 2878-2890, 2010
  9. Suzuki K, Nakashima M, Yamashita S: Dynamics of ionizing radiation-induced DNA damage response in reconstituted three-dimensional human skin tissue. Radiat Res 174: 415-423, 2010
  10. Nanashima A, Abo T, Tobinaga S, Kunizaki M, Hidaka S, Nonaka T, Miuma S, Taura N, Miyaaki H, Nakashima M, Sawai T, Nakao K, Nagayasu T: Relationship between period of survival and clinicopathological characteristics in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma who underwent hepatectomy. Hepatogastroenterology 57: 540-546, 2010
  11. Horie I, Ando T, Inokuchi N, Mihara Y, Miura S, Imaizumi M, Usa T, Kinoshita N, Sekine I, Kamihara S, Eguchi K: First Japanese patient treated with parathyroid hormone peptide immunization for refractory hypercalcemia caused by metastatic parathyroid carcinoma. Endocr J 57: 287-292, 2010
  12. Shichijo K, Ihara M, Miura S, Kurashige T, Matsuyama M, Nakashima M, Nakayama T, Sekine I: DNA damage response in aberrant crypt foci of radiation colitis as a anti-cancer barrier in early tumorigenesis. Gastroenterol 138(Suppl.1): S-509, 2010
  13. 中島正洋: 原爆症に関する調査研究 分担報告書  共同研究課題2:原爆被爆者の免疫機能に関する研究 成熟甲状腺濾胞上皮での放射線感受性と晩発性ゲノム不安定性解析. 平成21年度厚生労働省委託事業 原爆症調査研究事業報告書 p59-65, 2010
  14. 松田勝也,中島久良,梅崎 靖,岡 真左子,浜口大輔,黒崎真紀,山崎健太郎,三浦清徳,森山伸吾,増崎英明: 若年性内膜癌の内膜細胞診に関する検討.日本臨床細胞学会九州連合会雑誌 41: 101-107, 2010
  15. 七條和子,高辻俊宏,福本 学,松山睦美,中島正洋,関根一郎: 長崎原爆被爆者の剖検・パラフィン標本を用いた残留放射能の検出法.長崎医学会雑誌原爆特集号別冊 85: 292-293, 2010
  16. 松山睦美,中島正洋,七條和子,岡市協生,中山敏幸,関根一郎: TP53経路を介したbFGFの小腸における放射線誘発アポトーシス抑制効果. 長崎医学会雑誌原爆特集号別冊 85: 307-310, 2010
  17. 七條和子,高辻俊宏,福本 学,松山睦美,中島正洋,中山敏幸,関根一郎: 長崎原爆被爆者の剖検・パラフィン標本を用いた残留放射能の検出法-その2- 広島医学 63: 265-266, 2010
  18. 三浦史郎,中島正洋,蔵重智美,塚崎邦弘,岩永正子,近藤久義,横田賢一,三根真理子,山下俊一,関根一郎: 長崎被爆者腫瘍組織バンク構築とその必要性. 広島医学 63: 275-277, 2010
  19. 亀山大介,陳 俊全,三嶋亮介,井上健一郎,三浦史郎,牧山和也: 直腸炎型の潰瘍性大腸炎にクラミジア直腸炎を併発した1例. 長崎医学会雑誌 85: 30-36, 2010
  20. 三浦史郎,蔵重智美,塚崎邦弘,近藤久義,横田賢一,三根真理子,宮崎泰司,関根一郎,中島正洋: 長崎被爆者腫瘍組織バンク構築に向けた生体試料収集の経過報告. 長崎医学会雑誌 85: 294-297, 2010
  21. 小松英明,長嵜寿矢,長谷部仁俊,柴田良仁,山口広之,中島正洋: 急速な進行をきたしたS状結腸内分泌細胞癌の1例.日本臨床外科学会雑誌 71: 995-999, 2010
