International Medical Training Course

Training results


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Under construction


Under construction


Under construction


Under construction


Under construction


Under construction


  • Nov. 21, 2016 - Dec. 16, 2016 Student exchange with Julius Maximilians-Universitat Wurzburg
    - Outpatient Clinic, Professor’s round Hospital, Conference, inpatient practice, et al. (Department of Hematology)
    Trainee:Wurzburg University (German): 1 Medical Student (5th grade)
  • Oct. 2, 2016 - Dec. 17, 2016 The Project for Enhancement of Medical Education in Myanmar (JICA program)
    - Surgical Pathology of Thyroid(Department of Tumor and Diagnostic Pathology
    Trainee:University of Medicine, Yangon (Myanmar): 1 Specialist
  • Oct. 9, 2016 - Oct. 13, 2016 NASHIM’S COURSE
    - Lessons from Chernobyl to Fukushima(Department of Global Health, Medicine and Welfare
    - Hematological disorders as long-term effects of A-bomb(Department of Hematology
    - Basics of Radiation Protection and Dose Evaluation(Department of Radioisotope Medicine
    - Cancer risk and genomic instability in atomic bomb survivors(Department of Tumor and Diagnostic Pathology
    - Health Management and Epidemiologic studies for Atomic Bomb Survivors(Biostatistics Section
    Trainee:Yeungnam University Medical center (Korea), KYung Hee University Medical Center (Korea), Seoul Red Cross Hospital (Korea), Sangju Red Cross Hospital (Korea),
    Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences (Korea): Physicians (9 persons)
  • Jul. 13, 2016 - Aug. 18, 2016 NASHIM’S COURSE
    - From Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Chernobyl to Fukushima(Department of Global Health, Medicine and Welfare
    - Health Management for Atomic Bomb Survivors(Biostatistics Section
    - Nuclear Medicine and PET(Department of Radioisotope Medicine
    - Stem cells and translational researches(Department of Stem Cell Biology
    - Whole Body Counter(Department of Radioisotope Medicine
    - Introduction to Epidemiology(Department of Radiation Medical Science
    - A-bomb and Hematology and Transplantation(Department of Hematology
    - Cancer risk and genomic instability in atomic bomb survivors(Department of Tumor and Diagnostic Pathology
    - Molecular features of thyroid cancer(Department of Radiation Medical Sciences
    - Radiation & Health Risk Management after the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident(Department of Radiation Medical Sciences
    - Molecular and cellular response to DNA double strand breaks(Department of Radiation Medical Sciences
    - The fields of Radiation Medicine and Pediatric Oncology(Department of Radiation Medical Sciences
    - Epidemiology of childhood thyroid cancer(Department of Radiation Medical Sciences
    - Radiation and Thyroid Cancer(Department of Radiation Molecular Epidemiology
    - The field of Stem Cell Biology(Department of Radiation Molecular Epidemiology
    - Transfection of cultured human cells(Department of Radiation Molecular Epidemiology
    - A-bomb and Hematology & Transplantation(Department of Hematology
    - Training for Hibakusha's medical care(Department of Global Health, Medicine and Welfare
    Trainee:Medical Radiological Research Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Russia), North-western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov (Russia), National Research Center for Radiation Medicine, National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine (Ukraine), Belarusian State Medical University (Belarus), Gomel State Medical University (Belarus), Semey State Medical University (Kazakhstan): Physicians and Researchers (6 persons)
  • Feb. 14, 2016 - Feb. 18, 2016 NASHIM’S COURSE
    - Cancer risk and genomic instability in atomic bomb survivors(Department of Tumor and Diagnostic Pathology
    - Health support for overseas A-bomb survivors and Radiation Emergency Medicine(International Hibakusha Medical Center
    - Basics of Radiation Protection and Dose Evaluation(Department of Radioisotope Medicin
    - Hematological disorders as long-term effects of A-bomb(Department of Hematology
    - Health Management and Epidemiologic studies for Atomic Bomb Survivors(Biostatistics Section
    - Lessons from Chernobyl to Fukushima(Department of Global Health, Medicine and Welfare

    Trainee:Seoul Red Cross Hospital (Korea), Incheon Red Cross Hospital (Korea), Sangju Red Cross Hospital (Korea), Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences (Korea), Hospital Nipo-Brasileiro (Brazil), Hospital Santa Cruz (Brazil): Physicians (9 persons)
  • Feb. 8, 2016 - Feb. 19, 2016 Student exchange with Julius Maximilians-Universitat Wurzburg
    - Outpatient Clinic, Professor’s round Hospital, Conference, inpatient practice, et al.(Department of Hematology
    Trainee:Wurzburg University (German): 1 Medical Student (5th grade)
  • Jan. 15, 2016 - Apr. 16, 2016 Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University Medical Master Course Educational Program
    - Radiation-induced changes in cytokine profile of human perivascular cells(Department of Radiation Molecular Epidemiology
    Trainee:Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University (Kazakhstan): 1 Medical master course student
  • Jan. 5, 2016 - Mar. 30, 2016 Student Exchange Support Program (JASSO)
    - Molecular-genetics properties and methods diagnostics of Streptococcus pneumoniae(Department of Radiation Medical Sciences
    - Mutational analysis of familial mucoplysaccharidosis(Department of Radiation Molecular Epidemiology
    Trainee:Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University (Kazakhstan): Graduate students (2 persons)


  • Nov. 30, 2015 - Dec. 17, 2015 Student exchange with Julius Maximilians-Universitat Wurzburg
    - Outpatient Clinic, Professor’s round Hospital, Conference, inpatient practice, et al.(Department of Hematology
    Trainee:Wurzburg University (German): 1 Medical Student (5th grade)
  • Oct. 4, 2015 - Oct. 8, 2015 NASHIM’S COURSE
    - Cancer risk and genomic instability in atomic bomb survivors(Department of Tumor and Diagnostic Pathology
    - Health support for overseas A-bomb survivors and Radiation Emergency Medicine(International Hibakusha Medical Center
    - Basics of Radiation Protection and Dose Evaluation(Department of Radioisotope Medicine
    - Health Management and Epidemiologic studies for Atomic Bomb Survivors(Biostatistics Section)
    - Chernobyl, Fukushima and Thyroid(Division of Strategic Collaborative Research
    - A-bomb and Hematology and Transplantation(Department of Hematology
    Trainee:Incheon Red Cross Hospital (Korea), KYung Hee University Medical Center (Korea), Seoul Red Cross Hospital (Korea), Yeungnam University Medical center (Korea), Tongyeong Redcross Hospital (Korea), Chungnam National University Hospital (Korea), Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences (Korea): Physicians (9 persons)
  • Jul. 20, 2014 - Jul. 31, 2014 Student exchange with University of Angers
    - Outpatient Clinic, Professor’s round Hospital, Conference, inpatient practice, et al.(Department of Hematology
    Trainee:University of Angers (France) 1 Medical Student (4th grade)
  • Jul. 15, 2015 - Aug. 18, 2015 NASHIM’S COURSE
    - Effects of atomic bomb (A-bomb) radiation on human health(Department of Tumor and Diagnostic Pathology
    - Whole Body Counter(Department of Radioisotope Medicine
    - A-bomb and Hematology & Transplantation(Department of Hematology
    - Health Management for Atomic Bomb Survivors(Biostatistics Section
    - Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident and Radiation epidemiology, Chernobyl and Fukushima/Introduction to Epidemiology(Department of Radiation Medical Sciences
    - Nuclear Medicine and PET(Department of Radioisotope Medicine
    - Stem cells and translational researches(Department of Stem Cell Biology
    - Experiences of Nagasaki and Chernobyl, and the Current Situation of Fukushima(Department of Global Health, Medicine and Welfare
    - Molecular features of thyroid cancer(Department of Radiation Medical Sciences
    - Molecular and cellular response to DNA double strand breaks(Department of Radiation Medical Sciences
    - FMU Thyroid Ultrasound Survey in Fukushima Prefecture following the TENP(Department of Radiation Medical Sciences
    - The fields of Molecular genetics of thyroid cancer(Department of Radiation Medical Sciences
    - Reinventing the Statistics(Department of Radiation Molecular Epidemiology
    - Radiation and Thyroid Cancer(Department of Radiation Molecular Epidemiology
    - The fields of Primary cell cultures and Molecular genetics(Department of Radiation Molecular Epidemiology
    - Heat shock models in human cancer cell cultures(Department of Radiation Molecular Epidemiology
    - Molecular cloning in mammalian expression vectors(Department of Radiation Molecular Epidemiology
    Trainee:Medical Radiological Research Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Russia), State Institution “V.P. Komisarenko Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolism of National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine (Ukraine), Belarusian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education (Belarus), Brest Endocrinology Center (Belarus), Semey State Medical University (Kazakhstan): Physicians and Researchers (6 persons)
  • Jun. 22, 2015 - Jul. 3, 2015 Student exchange with College of Medicine and Health Sciences, United Arab Emirates University
    - Outpatient Clinic, Professor’s round Hospital, Conference, inpatient practice, et al.(Department of Hematology
    Trainee:United Arab Emirates University (UAE): 1 Medical Student (5th grade)
  • March. 1, 2015 - Mar. 18, 2015 Exchange activity of The Representative Office of Nagasaki University
    - Fukushima Symposium and Training in mutational analysis of thyroid cancer tissues(Department of Radiation Medical Sciences
    Trainee:Institute of Physiology of NAS of Belarus (Belarus): 1 Deputy Director
  • Feb. 9, 2015 - Feb.10, 2015 NASHIM’S COURSE
    - Cancer risk and genomic instability in atomic bomb survivors(Department of Tumor and Diagnostic Pathology
    - Health support for overseas A-bomb survivors and Radiation Emergency Medicine(International Hibakusha Medical Center
    - Basics of Radiation Protection and Dose Evaluation(Department of Radioisotope Medicine)
    - A history of A-bombing disaster relief and the current health management system for A-bomb survivors(Biostatistics Section
    - Lessons from Chernobyl to Fukushima(Department of Global Health, Medicine and Welfare
    - Hematological disorders as long-term effects of A-bomb(Department of Hematology
    Trainee:Incheon Red Cross Hospital (Korea), Seoul Red Cross Hospital (Korea), Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences (Korea), Hospital Nipo-Brasileiro (Brazil) , Hospital Santa Cruz (Brazil): Physicians (7 persons)


  • Oct. 26, 2014 - Oct.30, 2014 NASHIM’S COURSE
    - Cancer risk and genomic instability in atomic bomb survivors(Department of Tumor and Diagnostic Pathology
    - Basics of Radiation Protection and Dose Evaluation(Department of Radioisotope Medicine
    - Lessons from Chernobyl to Fukushima(Department of Global Health, Medicine and Welfare
    - A history of A-bombing disaster relief and the current health management system for A-bomb survivors(Biostatistics Section
    - A-bomb and Hematology and Transplantation(Department of Hematology
    - Health support for overseas A-bomb survivors and Radiation Emergency MedicineInternational Hibakusha Medical Center
    Seoul Red Cross Hospital (Korea), Busan Medical Center (Korea), Tongyeong Redcross Hospital (Korea): Physicians (3 persons)
  • Sep. 4, 2014 - Nov. 27, 2014 Student Exchange Support Program (JASSO)
    - Implication of IL17A polymorphism in hepatic infection diseases(Department of Radiation Medical Sciences
    Trainee:Semey State Medical University (Kazakhstan): 1 Graduate student
  • Aug. 4, 2014 - Aug. 15, 2014 Student exchange with University of Angers
    - Outpatient Clinic, Professor’s round Hospital, Conference, inpatient practice, et al.(Department of Hematology
    Trainee:University of Angers (France): 1 Medical Student (4th grade)
  • Jul. 16, 2014 - Aug. 19, 2014 NASHIM’S COURSE
    - Experiences of Nagasaki and Chernobyl, and the Current Situation of Fukushima(Department of Global Health, Medicine and Welfare
    - Damages by Atomic Bombing and Survey and Database for the Atomic Bomb Survivors(Division of Data Registry
    - Effects of atomic bomb (A-bomb) radiation on human health(Department of Tumor and Diagnostic Pathology
    - A-bomb and Hematology & Transplantation(Department of Hematology
    - Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident and Radiation Epidemiology(Department of Radiation Medical Sciences
    - Nuclear Medicine and PET(Department of Radioisotope Medicine
    - Whole Body Counter(Department of Radioisotope Medicine
    - Stem cells and translational researches(Department of Stem Cell Biology
    - The fields of Database Management in Radiation Epidemiology(Department of Radiation Molecular Epidemiology
    - Radiation and Thyroid Cancer(Department of Radiation Molecular Epidemiology
    - The fields of Molecular genetics of infectious and radiation-related diseases(Department of Radiation Molecular Epidemiology
    - Molecular and cellular response to DNA double strand breaks(Department of Radiation Medical Sciences
    - Radiation Medical Science from Nagasaki to Fukushima(Department of Radiation Medical Sciences
    Trainee:Medical Radiological Research Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Russia), North-western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov (Russia), Belarusian State Medical University (Belarus), Gomel State Medical University (Belarus), Semey State Medical University (Kazakhstan): Physicians and Researchers (6 persons)
  • Jun. 23, 2014 - Aug. 1, 2014 Student exchange with Julius Maximilians-Universitat Wurzburg
    - Outpatient Clinic, Professor’s round Hospital, Conference, inpatient practice, et al.(Department of Hematology
    Trainee:Wurzburg University (German): 1 Medical Student (5th grade)
  • Apr. 30, 2014 - May 2, 2014 Student exchange with Julius Maximilians-Universitat Wurzburg
    - Outpatient Clinic, Professor’s round Hospital, Conference, inpatient practice, et al.(Department of Hematology
    Trainee:Wurzburg University (German): 1 Medical Student (5th grade)
  • Feb. 16, 2014 - Feb.19, 2014 NASHIM’S COURSE
    - Basics of Radiation Protection and Dose Evaluation(Department of Radioisotope Medicine
    - Cancer risk and genomic instability in atomic bomb survivors(Department of Tumor and Diagnostic Pathology
    - Lessons from Chernobyl to Fukushima(Department of Global Health, Medicine and Welfare
    - A history of A-bombing disaster relief and the current health management system for A-bomb survivors(Biostatistics Section
    - Hematological disorders as long-term effects of A-bomb(Department of Hematology
    - Health support for overseas A-bomb survivors(International Hibakusha Medical Center
    Trainee:Seoul Red Cross Hospital (Korea), Busan Medical Center (Korea),Hospital Nipo-Brasileiro (Brazil) , Hospital Santa Cruz (Brazil) : Physicians (4 persons)


  • Dec. 3, 2013 - Dec. 4, 2013 NASHIM’S COURSE
    - Cancer risk and genomic instability in atomic bomb survivors(Department of Tumor and Diagnostic Pathology
    - A history of A-bombing disaster relief and the current health management system for A-bomb survivors(Biostatistics Section
    - A-bomb and Hematology and Transplantation(Department of Hematology
    Trainee:Kyunghee University Hospital, Seoul Red Cross Hospital, Yeungnam University Medical center, Busan Medical Center, Incheon Red Cross Hospital, Gyeongsang National University Hospita(Korea) : 6 physicians
  • Oct. 15, 2013 - Nov. 8, 2013 Student exchange with Julius Maximilians-Universitat Wurzburg
    - Outpatient Clinic, Professor’s round Hospital, Conference, inpatient practice, et al.(Department of Hematology
    - A history of A-bombing disaster relief and the current health management system for A-bomb survivors(Biostatistics Section
    Trainee:Wurzburg University(German): 1 medical student
  • Sep. 2, 2013 - Sep. 26, 2013
    - Animal model for thyroid cancer(Department of Health Risk Control, Department of Radiation Medical Sciences
    Trainee:Asan Medical Center (Korea): 1 physician
  • Jul. 17, 2013 - Aug. 20, 2013 NASHIM’S COURSE
    - DNA and RNA extraction from human blood and surgical tissue specimens
    - Quality control of extracted human DNA and RNA
    - SNP genotyping using TaqMan technology
    - Analysis of somatic mutations using PCR and direct sequencing
    - Molecular and cellular response to DNA double strand breaks
    - Radiation Medical Science from Nagasaki to Fukushima ―from a desktop to a reality―
    - Thyroid cancer after radiation exposure
    - Descriptive epidemiology of radiation-induced and sporadic thyroid cancer
    - Modification of solid state substrate for modeling cell adhesion with different coating substances
    - Valuation of different types of cell culture plastic dishes for capability for coating modification
    - Examination of the kinetics of cell adhesion to intact and modified solid substrates using metabolic reporter
    Department of Health Risk Control, Department of Radiation Medical Sciences
    - Cancer risk and genomic instability in atomic bomb survivors Department of Tumor and Diagnostic Pathology
    - A history of A-bombing disaster relief and the current health management system for A-bomb survivors Biostatistics Section
    - A-bomb and Hematology & Transplantation Department of Hematology
    - Community health and health care survice(Department of Hematology, Department of Global Health, Medicine and Welfare
    Trainee:Medical Radiological Research Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Russia), National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine (Ukraine), Minsk City Clinical Oncologic Dispensary, Gomel State Medical University (Belarus), Kazakh National Medical University, Semey State Medical University (Kazakhstan) : physicians, researchers, vice-president and chairman (6 persons)
  • Feb. 22, 2013 NASHIM’S COURSE
    - A history of A-bombing disaster relief and the current health management system for A-bomb survivors(Biostatistics Section, Department of Tumor and Diagnostic Pathology
    Trainee:Yeungnam University Medical center (Korea), Hospital Nipo-Brasileiro, Hospital Santa Cruz (Brazil): 3 physicians
  • Feb. 20, 2013 HICARE / NASHIM
    - Medical care for the atomic bomb survivors(Department of Hematology
    Trainee:Korean Red Cross Special Welfare Services Office, Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences (Korea): 8 physicians
  • Feb. 18, 2013 - Feb.23, 2013 NASHIM’S COURSE
    - A history of A-bombing disaster relief and the current health management system for A-bomb survivors(Biostatistics Section
    - Cancer risk and genomic instability in atomic bomb (A-bomb) survivors(Department of Tumor and Diagnostic Pathology
    Trainee:Yeungnam University Medical center (Korea): 1 physician


  • Sep. 18, 2012 - Oct. 26, 2012 Student Exchange Program with Univeristy of Würzburg
    - Technical training for analysis of genetic disorders(Department of Human Genetics
    Trainee:Medical faculty, Univeristy of Würzburg (German): 1 medical student
  • Sep. 15, 2012 - Dec. 11, 2012 Semey State Medical University postgraduate educational program
    - Clinical epidemiology of thyroid disease
    - Factors that influence access to health care services in Kazakhstan(Department of Global Health, Medicine and Welfare
    Trainee:Semey State Medical University (Kazakhstan): 2 graduate students
  • Sep. 9, 2012 - Sep. 14, 2012 NASHIM’S COURSE
    - Cancer risk and genomic instability in atomic bomb survivors(Department of Tumor and Diagnostic Pathology
    - A history of A-bombing disaster relief and the current health management system for A-bomb survivors(Biostatistics Section
    Trainee:Seoul Red Cross Hospital, Yeungnam University Medical center, Busan Medical Center (Korea) : medical intern, professor and paramedic specialist (3 persons)
  • Aug. 13, 2012 - Sep. 14, 2012 Student exchange with Julius Maximilians-Universitat Wurzburg
    - Outpatient Clinic, Professor’s round Hospital, Conference, inpatient practice, et al.(Department of Hematology
    - A history of A-bombing disaster relief and the current health management system for A-bomb survivors(Biostatistics Section
    Trainee:Wurzburg University (German) : 1 medical student
  • Jul. 18, 2012 - Aug. 21, 2012 NASHIM’S COURSE
    - Radiation and thyroid cancer - Radiation epidemiology and risk assessment
    - Pathology of thyroid cancer in Ukraine after Chernobyl(Department of Health Risk Control, Department of Radiation Medical Sciences
    - Hematology and Pathology(Department of Hematology, Department of Tumor and Diagnostic Pathology
    - A history of A-bombing disaster relief and the current health management system for A-bomb survivors(Biostatistics Section
    - Cancer risk and genomic instability in atomic bomb survivors(Department of Tumor and Diagnostic Pathology
    Trainee: Medical Radiological Research Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Russia), National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine (Ukraine), Minsk City Clinical Oncologic Dispensary, Gomel State Medical University (Belarus), Kazakh National Medical University, Semey State Medical University (Kazakhstan) : physicians, technical officer, senior research fellow, paramedic assistant (6 persons)
  • Feb. 13, 2012 - Feb. 16, 2012 NASHIM’S COURSE
    - Atomic bomb and Pathology(Department of Tumor and Diagnostic Pathology
    Trainee:Gyeongsang National University Hospital, Hapcheon-Gun Public Health Center, Hapcheon Welfare Center for Atomic Bomb Victims, Korean Red Cross Special Welfare Services Office (Korea) : physicians, director of secretary (4 persons)
  • Feb. 2, 2012 - Feb. 4, 2012 NASHIM’S COURSE
    - Atomic bomb and health support(Department of Tumor and Diagnostic Pathology
    Trainee:Gyeongsang National University Hospital, Wallace Memorial Baptist Hospital (Korea): 30 physicians et al.


  • Dec. 18, 2011 - Dec. 23, 2011 NASHIM’S COURSE
    - Cancer risk and genomic instability in atomic bomb survivors(NASHIM
    Trainee:Yeungnam University Medical center, Busan Medical Center (Korea) : professor and paramedic specialist (2 persons)
  • Nov. 3, 2011 - Nov. 9, 2011 KazNMU training course
    - Atomic Bomb disease and Radiation Medicine(Department of Global Health, Medicine and Welfare
    Trainee:Kazakh National Medical University (Kazakhstan) : 5 students
  • Sep. 5, 2011 Researcher exchange with University of Nairobi
    - General information of A-Bombing disaster(Biostatistics Section
    Trainee:University of Nairobi (Nairobi) : 1 medical student
  • Jul. 20, 2011 - Aug. 23, 2011 NASHIM’S COURSE
    - Laboratory procedures of blood DNA extraction and quality assessment for Tissue Banking
    - Radiation epidemiology
    - Clinical and molecular investigations in radiation-induced thyroid cancer(Department of Health Risk Control, Department of Radiation Medical Sciences
    - Hematology and Pathology(Department of Hematology, Department of Tumor and Diagnostic Pathology
    - A-bomb and Hematology and Transplantation Department of Hematology
    - Cancer risk and genomic instability in A-bomb survivors(Department of Tumor and Diagnostic Pathology
    - A history of A-bombing disaster relief and the current health management system for A-bomb survivors(Biostatistics Section
    Trainee: Medical Radiological Research Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Russia), Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine (Ukraine), Minsk City Clinical Oncologic Dispensary, Gomel State Medical University (Belarus), Kazakh National Medical University, Semey Diagnostic Center (Kazakhstan) : physicians, research fellows (6 persons)
  • Jun. 20, 2011 - Jul. 8, 2011 Student exchange with Julius Maximilians-Universitat Wurzburg
    - Outpatient Clinic, Professor’s round Hospital, Conference, inpatient practice, et al.(Department of Hematology
    - A history of A-bombing disaster relief and the current health management system for A-bomb survivors(Biostatistics Section
    Trainee:Wurzburg University (German) : 1 medical student
  • Jan. 27, 2011 - Mar. 22, 2011 RONPAKU program
    - SNIPS of breast cancer(Department of Global Health, Medicine and Welfare
    Trainee:National Center for Biotechnology (Kazakhstan) : 1 paramedic specialist


  • Jan., 2010
    2 doctors and 4 students from Korea (International academic exchange)
  • Feb. 8-12, 2010
    1 doctor from Brazil (NASHIM project)
  • Feb. 23-26, 2010
    4 doctors from Korea (NASHIM project)
  • Feb. 23-Mar.2, 2010
    1 doctor from Germany (GCOE project)
  • Feb. 23-Mar.19, 2010
    2 doctors from Brazil (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Nagasaki Prefectural Government)
  • Jul. 22-Aug. 26, 2010
    6 doctors from neighboring countries of Chernobyl and Kazakhstan (NASHIM project)


  • Jan. 22-Feb.6, 2009
    2 doctors from Brazil (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Nagasaki Prefectural Government)
  • Jan. 22-23, 2009
    4 doctors from Korea (NASHIM project)
  • Mar. 5-6, 2009
    1 doctor from Russia (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)
  • Jul. 27-Aug. 24, 2009
    6 doctors from neighboring countries of Chernobyl and Kazakhstan (NASHIM project)
  • Aug. 30, 2009
    4 doctors from Sri Lanka (JICA project)
  • Sep. 3, 2009
    6 doctors from Kazakhstan (International academic exchange)
  • Nov. 10-13, 2009
    6 doctors from Korea (NASHIM project)
  • Dec. 10, Dec14, 2009
    1 doctor from Korea (GCOE project)


  • Feb. 5-22, 2008
    2 doctors from Brazil (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Nagasaki Prefectural Government)
  • Feb. 20-22, 2008
    2 doctors from Korea (NASHIM project)
  • Feb. 27-Mar. 1, 2008
    2 doctors from Korea (NASHIM project)
  • Jul. 23-Aug. 26, 2008
    6 doctors from neighboring countries of Chernobyl and Kazakhstan (NASHIM project)
  • Aug. 8, 2008
    3 students from Gomel State Medical Institute, Belarus (NASHIM project)
  • Sep. 30-Oct.3, 2008
    6 doctors from Korea (NASHIM project)


  • Jul. 25, 2007
    3 doctors from Russia (Joint research project)
  • Jul. 25-Aug. 22, 2007
    6 doctors from neighboring countries of Chernobyl and Kazakhstan (NASHIM project)
  • Aug. 17, 2007
    1 student from Minnesota University, USA (NASHIM project)
  • Oct. 2, 2007
    4 doctors from Korea (NASHIM project)
  • Nov. 21, 2007
    5 doctors from Korea (Japanese Red Cross Society)
  • Dec. 24, 2007
    4 doctors from Korea (NASHIM project)


  • Jul. 28-Aug. 13, 2006
    4 students from Gomel State Medical Institute, Belarus (NASHIM project)
  • Jul. 21-Aug. 24, 2006
    6 doctors from neighboring countries of Chernobyl and Kazakhstan (NASHIM project)


  • Oct. 16-22, 2005
    2 doctors from Korea (NASHIM project)
  • Jul. 22-Aug. 25, 2005
    6 doctors from neighboring countries of Chernobyl and Kazakhstan (NASHIM project)


  • Oct. 5-9, 2004
    5 doctors from Kazakhstan (JICA project)
  • Jul. 20-Aug. 24, 2004
    6 doctors from neighboring countries of Chernobyl and Kazakhstan (NASHIM project)
  • May 30-Jun. 5, 2004
    4 doctors from Korea (NASHIM project)
  • Feb. 29-Mar. 6, 2004
    4 doctors from Korea (NASHIM project)


  • Nov. 30-Dec. 6, 2003
    4 doctors from Korea (NASHIM project)
  • Mar. 28-Apr. 1, 2003
    1 doctor from Kazakhstan (JICA project)
  • Feb. 24-Mar. 5, Mar. 10-19, 2003
    6 doctors from Korea (NASHIM project)


  • Oct. 14-23, Oct. 14-18, 2002
    6 doctors from Korea (NASHIM project)
  • Aug. 2-10, 2002
    1 doctor from Belarus (The Society Japan-Republic of Belarus)
  • Jul. 16-Aug. 24, 2002
    4 doctors from neighboring countries of Chernobyl and Kazakhstan (NASHIM project)
  • Jul. 16-Aug. 27, 2002
    2 doctors from neighboring countries of Chernobyl and Kazakhstan (NASHIM project)
  • Mar. 28-Apr. 2, 2002
    1 doctor from Kazakhstan (JICA project)
  • Feb. 16-23, 2002
    2 doctors from Belarus (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan)
  • Feb. 12-26. 2002
    1 doctor from Kazakhstan (Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports)
  • Feb. 1-Mar. 31, Feb. 16-Mar. 17, 2002
    2 doctors from Russia and Belarus (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)


  • Nov. 26-Dec. 5, Nov. 26-30, 2001
    4 doctors from Korea (NASHIM project)
  • Aug. 3-10, 2001
    3 doctors from Belarus (The Society Japan-Republic of Belarus)
  • Jul. 30-Sept. 7, 2001
    2 doctors from Belarus and Russia (Tissue Bank)
  • Jul. 24-Aug. 21, 2001
    1 doctor from neighboring countries of Chernobyl and Kazakhstan (NASHIM project)
  • Jul. 16-Aug. 12, 2001
    4 doctors from Chernobyl and Kazakhstan (NASHIM project)
  • Jan. 22-25, 2001
    2 doctors from Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan (JICA project)


  • Dec. 11-20, Dec. 11-14, 2000
    4 doctors from Korea (NASHIM project)
  • Nov. 14-21, 2000
    1 doctor from Kazakhstan (NGO project)
  • Aug. 3-13, 2000
    3 doctors from Belarus (The Society Japan-Republic of Belarus)
  • Jul. 17-Aug. 15, 2000
    5 doctors from neighboring countries of Chernobyl and Kazakhstan (NASHIM project)
  • Jul. 17-Aug. 15, 2000
    1 doctor from Russia (Sasakawa Memorial Health Foundation project)
  • Apr. 10-12, 2000
    1 doctor from Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan (JICA project)


  • Nov. 15-30, 1999
    2 doctors from Korea (NASHIM project)
  • Oct. 15-27, 1999
    1 doctor from Ukraine (HICARE project)
  • Aug. 5-12, 1999
    3 doctors from Belarus (The Society Japan-Republic of Belarus)
  • Jul. 15-Aug. 14, 1999
    2 doctors from Belarus (Sasakawa Memorial Health Foundation project)
  • Jul. 15-Aug. 14, 1999
    4 doctors from neighboring countries of Chernobyl and Kazakhstan, and an American doctor from The Hanford Site (NASHIM project)
  • May 23-Jun. 2, 1999
    1 doctor from Russia (Sasakawa Memorial Health Foundation project)
  • Mar. 8-19, 1999
    2 doctors from Korea (NASHIM project)
  • Jan. 29-Feb. 15, 1999
    3 doctors from Japanese Red Cross Society


  • Aug. 7-10, 1998
    3 doctors from Belarus and Russia (Sasakawa Memorial Health Foundation project)
  • Aug. 3-31, 1998
    4 doctors from neighboring countries of Chernobyl (NASHIM project)
  • Aug. 3-11, 1998
    2 doctors from Belarus (The Society Japan-Republic of Belarus)
  • Feb. 9-28, 1998
    1 doctor from Korea (NASHIM project)
  • Feb. 5-Mar. 2, 1998
    3 doctors from Japanese Red Cross Society


  • Aug. 7-10, 1997
    Minister of Public Health from Belarus (Sasakawa Memorial Health Foundation project)
  • Jul. 28-Sept. 7, 1997
    4 doctors from neighboring countries of Chernobyl (NASHIM project)
  • Jun. 5-8, 1997
    3 doctors from Belarus (The Society Japan-Republic of Belarus)
  • Jun. 4-14, 1997
    1 doctor from Russia (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan)
  • Jan. 27-Feb. 5, 1997
    3 doctors from Japanese Red Cross Society


  • Sept. 2-23, 1996
    1 doctor from Korea (NASHIM project)
  • Aug. 8-23, 1996
    3 doctors from Belarus and Russia (Sasakawa Memorial Health Foundation project)
  • Jul. 29-Sept. 8, 1996
    5 doctors from neighboring countries of Chernobyl (NASHIM project)
  • Jul. 27-31, 1996
    3 doctors from Russia and Kazakhstan (Sasakawa Memorial Health Foundation, Hiroshima University)
  • May 26-30, 1996
    1 doctor from Belarus (The Society Japan-Republic of Belarus)
  • Apr. 15-20, 1996
    5 doctors from Sasakawa Memorial Health Foundation
  • Mar. 18-31, 1996
    3 doctors from Russia (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan)
  • Mar. 17-24, 1996
    4 doctors from Belarus (Japanese Red Cross Society)
  • Mar. 8-12, 1996
    8 doctors from Ukraine (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan)


  • Aug. 7-30, 1995
    1 doctor from Korea (NASHIM project)
  • Jul. 23-Sept. 3, 1995
    5 doctors from neighboring countries of Chernobyl (NASHIM project)
  • Jul. 6-13, 1995
    4 doctors from Belarus (Japanese Red Cross Society)
  • Mar. 8-10, 1995
    3 doctors from Korea (NASHIM project)
  • Feb. 22-Mar. 7, 1995
    4 doctors from neighboring countries of Chernobyl (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan)
  • Feb. 22-Mar. 7, 1995
    1 doctor from the three Baltic countries (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan)


  • Nov. 7-9, 1994
    2 doctors from Korea (NASHIM project)
  • Oct. 10-16, 1994
    3 doctors from neighboring countries of Chernobyl (Japanese Red Cross Society)
  • Jul. 25-Sept. 4, 1994
    5 doctors from neighboring countries of Chernobyl (NASHIM project)


  • Aug. 9-Sept. 12, 1993
    5 doctors from neighboring countries of Chernobyl (NASHIM project)