Experimental Equipments



High-speed refrigerated centrifuge (COE)

Use for biomaterial separation, fractionation and so on. Various size of rotors are set sup.

Freeze dry system (COE)

Freeze, dry and Concentrate biomaterials.

High-performance liquid chromatography (AKTA FPLC)

This is the system of high-performance liquid chromatography optimized purification of proteins make use of gel filtration, ion exchange and affinity mode. This system is useful for purification of recombinant protein.

High-performance liquid chromatography (Two-dimensional HPLC)

This is the system of high-performance liquid chromatography for proteome analysis. This system have an ability to do two step purification of protein by chromatofocusing and reverse-phase chromatography


Benchtop ultracentrifuge

Use for biomaterial separation, fractionation and so on.

UV/Visible spectrophotometers

Use for quantification of protein and nucleic acids.

Molecular Medicine

ARVO X3 Multilabel Plate Reader 2030 (PerkinElmer)
with dispenser module including two syringes

ARVO X3 Plate Reader includes luminescence, fluorescence intensity and UV-absorbance technologies. protein assay.

Bio-Plex 200 System (Bio-RAD)
with Bio-Plex Manager software version 6.0

Bio-Plex assays are bead-based assays that can be performed in a mixed array.

Genome Repair

HiSeq2500 system (Illumina®)

Highest throughput next generation sequencer in practical use. 600 Gb/week data can be obtained at standard run mode, and 60 Gb/2days data can be at rapid run mode. Essential for genome research.

MiSeq system (Illumina®)

Personal type next generation sequencer. Throughput itself is smaller than HiSeq system, but can read long fragment due to rapid reaction. This system is suitable for genome research required small data volume such mutation screening for target gene.

Human Genetics

HiSeq2500 system (Illumina®)

Highest throughput next generation sequencer in practical use. 600 Gb/week data can be obtained at standard run mode, and 60 Gb/2days data can be at rapid run mode. Essential for genome research.

MiSeq system (Illumina®)

Personal type next generation sequencer. Throughput itself is smaller than HiSeq system, but can read long fragment due to rapid reaction. This system is suitable for genome research required small data volume such mutation screening for target gene.

Affymetrix GeneChip System (Affymetrix®)

This system makes it possible to genotype over one million single nucl eotide polymorphisms (SNP) in one individual, and to detect the region with copy number changes/variation in the genome.

3730 genetic analyzer (AppliedBiosystems)

Capillary type autosequencer. Fourty-eight samples can be analyzed in one sequence run.

Covaris Acourstic Solubilizer Model S2 (Covaris®)

The versatility of the S20 Focused-ultrasonicator makes it possible to bring the advantages of Adaptive Focused Acoustic technologies to numerous biological and chemical applications including, DNA, RNA, and chromatin shearing, tissue homogenization, cell lysis, compound dissolution, and particle micronization.

3130xl genetic analyzer (AppliedBiosystems)

Capillary type autosequencer. Sixteen samples can be analyzed in one sequence run/hour. Fragment analyze can be applied for Short Tandem Repeat Polymorphism (STRP).

IonProtonTM system (LifeTechnologies)

Semiconductor sequencer. Base call is performed by detection of pH change due to proton release during DNA synthesis. A thouthand dollar genome sequence for human genome can be achieved by high density ion detecting chip and accurate base calling.

5500 SOLiD system(LefeTechnologies)

5500 SOLiD system make it possible 80 Giga base pair sequence throughput / FlowChip / run. 5500 SOLiD system applied unique sequencing method by ligation reaction on FlowChip after emulsion PCR.

LightCycler® 480 Real-Time PCR system (Roche Applied Science)

The LightCycler® 480 Real-Time PCR System is a 384 multiwellplate based real-time PCR platform which is used for highly accurate qualitative and quantitative detection of nucleic acids, genotyping and mutation screening.

Caliper LabChip GX system (Caliper, Perkin Elmer)

Auto electrophoresis system for DNA/RNA. 96 samples are run in 1.5 hours. GX system makes it possible to detect 5 bp differences in 1 kb length fragment and to quantify the amount of nucleic acids within variable size rage.

Multi-Beads Shocker (YASUI KIKAI)

Hard samples in room temperature or liquid-nitrogen frozen samples can be crumbed up by hammering and shearing power generated by three-dimensional 8 figure movement. It is very useful for DNA/RNA extraction from samples.

ImageQuant LAS 4000mini Lumino Image Analyzer (GE healthcare)

CCD image system to detect chemical light emission and fluorescent emission. This system is the highest sensitive system and very useful for Western blot analysis.

Radiation Medical Science

BD FACSJazz Cell Sorter (BD)

The BD FACSJAzz cell sorter is a stream-inair sorter and capable of two-way sorting with 5-mL and 15-mL tubes. Direct sorting into multi-well plates (6, 24, 96, and 384-well plates) and slides is also possible.
488 nm laser; the number of fluorescence detectors/filters: 4; nozzle: 100 microM; an average threshol rate: 10,000 events/sec.

Tumor and Diagnostic Pathology

HS All-in-One Fluorescence Microscope BZ-9000 Series

Built-in sample enclosure eliminates the need for a darkroom. The image capturing feature can be fully controlled with the electronic XYZ axes stage, electronic optical zoom, electronic shutter and electronic filter turret.

Alpha Spectroscopy System with Frisch Grid Chamber Detector

The most sensitive of Alpha detectors(100% relative efficiency in 2πsteradians)

- Automated and electropneumatically controlled measurement cycle
- Resolution: < 35 keV with Pu-239
- Background: < 1 count/h between 4 and 6 MeV

Autostainer for immunohistochemistry (Ventana Discovery XT)

The DISCOVERY XT sysem bringsautomation, reproducibility and productivity to immunohistochemistry (IHC) slide preparation and processing. Automate any one, or all preparation steps including deparaffinization, antigen retrieval, blocking and staining.

QIAcube:Nucleic acid extraction and purification equipment (QIAGEN)

Fully automated purification of nucleic acids using QIAGEN spin-column kits.
Extract and purify DNA or RNA from up to 12 samples per run. The standardized, automated purification procedure helps to eliminate human error, providing results that are comparable between experiments and labs.


The MVE 1500 Series -190℃ freezers

This system provides cryogenic storage for up to 42,000 1.2 / 2.0 ml vials. These freezers provide maximum storage density and provide the industry's longest hold time.

Human Counter Room

Whole-body counter

Whole-body counter (WBC) is a special device to measure internal body burden of radionuclides. By the ultrasensitive radiation detectors (NaI (Tl) scintillators), WBC can detect radiation doses released from human bodies. Since WBC can detect even minimal doses, it is necessary to exclude the effects of natural background radiation by shielding (20cm thickness iron). K-40 and Cs-137 are mainly detected radionuclides by WBC.WBC was launched at Nagasaki University in 1968, and had been used for the measurement of internal body burden of Cs-137 among populations residing in Nagasaki city for 15 years. Also, since the accident at Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine, it has been used for the measurement of internal body burden of radionuclides among residents around Chernobyl. Now Nagasaki University hospital is nominated as secondary medical facility in case of radiation emergencies. Our WBC is available for the evaluation of internal body burden of radionuclides during such emergencies.

Radiation Exposure Room

X-ray system

Our X-ray system is a device to radiate X-ray on the cultured cells or the laboratory animals such as rats and mice to examine the effect of radiation to living organisms.
It is composed of an X-ray tube, an X-ray generator, a high voltage generator, and a cooling unit, etc. The X-ray system is placed in the restricted area.

Other Facilities

Atomic Bomb Disease Exhibition Rooms

Atomic Bomb Disease Institute

Computer Room (3rd floor)
Training Room (4th floor)
Community Center (3rd Floor)