The Representative Office of Nagasaki University

The representative office of Nagasaki university in Belarus has been closed. New office opened in Ukraine from Sep. 2023

Representative Office of Nagasaki University in BelarusThe Representative Office of Nagasaki University in the Republic of Belarus was established in Minsk in August 2008 as a coordinating center for joint researches on radiation effect on human health in the former USSR countries of Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia, which had been affected by the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant accident in 1986. And Professor Noboru Takamura M.D. Ph.D., was designated as its director.
Major roles of the Representative Office are:

  1. To coordinate joint researches and other issues with partner institutions in the above three countries
  2. To support field researches conducted by doctoral students in those countries
  3. To facilitate internship and other exchange opportunities of students and researchers

The Representative Office is located in Belarusian Medical Academy of Post-graduate education in Minsk

The researchers of Nagasaki University started to visit the areas affected by the Chernobyl accident in early 1990's when, 4-5 years since the accident, the Soviet Union just began to accept foreign aid organizations and researchers. Our researchers' active commitment in developing the local medical system not only by way of researches but also by conducting massive screening in the framework of Sasakawa-Chernobyl Project and continuously inviting local specialists to Nagasaki for specialized training has received a high recognition by the local institutions and authorities, thanks to which still today specialists from Nagasaki, or Japan in general, enjoy a very positive reception in those areas.
Joint research papers to which the Representative Office in Belarus made contribution in one way or other are listed below.
The Representative Office also facilitated one-month internship of several Nagasaki University's medical students (in Jan-Feb every year), half-year internship of graduate students of International Health Development in Belarus (2010) and Ukraine (2011), field researches of doctoral students of Atomic bomb Disease Institute (ABDI), Nagasaki University in Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia, and enrollment of a graduate student from Belarus State Medical University to ABDI's doctoral course. We also coordinated and supported procedure toward conclusion of academic cooperation agreement between Fukushima Medical University and two medical universities in Belarus this year (2013).
There has been active attitude in Japan toward learning lessons of Chernobyl accident aftermath and countermeasures since the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant accident. We sometimes receive requests about facilitating study visits from various institutions. We look forward to more active role in contributing to radiation health risk control sciences as the only research coordinating office of Japanese universities in the Chernobyl-affected area.

Jumpei Takahashi
Vice-director of Representative Office of Nagasaki University in Belarus
International collaborative research coordinator, Nagasaki University

Collaborating researchers in Minsk, Belarus

Collaboration meeting in Ukraine

Joint research papers


  1. Hayashida N, Sekitani Y, Takahashi J, Kozlovsky AA, Gutevych OK, Saiko AS, Nirova NV, Petrova AA, Rafalskiy RM, Chorny SA, Daniliuk VV, Anami M, Yamashita S, Takamura N: Prognosis of thyroid nodules in individuals living in the zhitomir region of ukraine. PLoS One 7(11): e50648, 2012.
  2. Taira Y, Hayashida N, Yamashita S, Kudo T, Matsuda N, Takahashi J, Gutevitc A, Kazlovsky A, Takamura N: Environmental contamination and external radiation dose rates from radionuclides released from the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. Radiat Prot Dosimetry 151(3): 537-545, 2012.
  3. 林田直美,高村 昇:チェルノブイリ周辺地域における放射性セシウムの内部被曝線量と健康影響評価.(長瀧重信(編):別冊・医学のあゆみ 原発事故の健康リスクとリスク・コミュニケーション,医歯薬出版株式会社,東京,PP.73-80所収)2012.
  4. 土屋りみ,平良文亨,高橋純平,Alexander Kozlovsky,林田直美,高村 昇:ベラルーシ共和国における土壌,および食品中の放射性核種分析.長崎医学会雑誌 87(Suppl): 277-279, 2012.
  5. 増永智子,Kozlovsky Alexander,Lyzikov Anatoly,高村 昇,山下俊一:チェルノブイリ原発事故後の放射能汚染地域住民に対するメンタルヘルス評価.広島医学 65(4): 319-321, 2012


  1. Masunaga T, Kozlovsky A, Lyzikov A, Takamura N, Yamashita S. Mental health status among younger generation around Chernobyl. Arch Med Sci in press.
  2. Vasilkova O, Mikhort T, Sanec I, Sharshakova T, Hayashida N, Takamura N. Leptin is an independent determinant of bone mineral density in men with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Acta Diabetol 48(4):291-5, 2011
  3. Hayashida N, Sekitani Y, Kozlovsky A, Rafalsky R, Gutevich O, Daniliuk V, Yamashita S,Takamura N. Screening for 137Cs Body Burden due to the Chernobyl Accident in Korosten City, Zhitomir, Ukraine: 1996-2008. J Rad Res 52(5):629-33, 2011
  4. Sekitani Y, Hayashida N, Karevskaya IV, Zubareva IA, Kozlovsky A, Yamashita S, Takamura N. Prevalence of antithyroid antibodies and thyroid-stimulating hormone concentration in young people. Clin Chem Lab Med 49(4):747-9, 2011.
  5. Taira Y, Hayashida N, Brahmanandhan GM, Nagayama Y, Yamashita S, Takahashi J, Gutevitc A, Kozlovsky A, Urazalin M, Takamura N. Current concentration of artificial radionuclides and estimated radiation doses from 137Cs around the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Testing Site, and in Nagasaki. J Rad Res 52(1):88-95, 2011.
  6. 林田直美、高村 昇:旧ソ連邦の妊婦を対象とした尿中ヨード濃度のスクリーニング、妊娠期間中におけるヨード充足状況の評価 成長科学協会研究年報 34:251-3, 2011.


  1. Takahashi M, Saenko V, Rogounovitch TI, Kawaguchi T, Drozd VM, Takigawa-Imamura H, Akulevich NM, Ratanajaraya C, Mitsutake N, Takamura N, Danilova LI, Lushchik ML, Demidchik YE, Heath S, Yamada R, Lathrop M, Matsuda F, Yamashita S. The FOXE1 locus is a major genetic determinant for radiation-related thyroid carcinoma in Chernobyl. Hum Mol Genet 19(12):2516-23, 2010
  2. Sekitani Y, Hayashida N, Karevskaya I, Vasiltsova O, Kozlovsky A, Omiya M, Yamashita S,Takamura N. Evaluation of 137Cs body burden in inhabitants of Bryansk Oblast, Russian Federation, where a high incidence of thyroid cancer was observed after the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. Radiat Prot Dosimetry 141(1):36-42, 2010
  3. Mankovskaya SV, Demidchik YE, Yamashita S. Prospective efficacy of molecular preoperative diagnostics of papillary thyroid carcinoma. Acta Medica Lituanica 17(1-2): 35-39, 2010.
  4. Rogounovitch T, Saenko V, Takamura N, Drozd V, Danilova L, Mitsutake N, Akulevich N, Demidchik Y, Yamashita S. Molecular epidemiology study of radiation-induced thyroid cancer as a main research project of Representative office of Nagasaki University in Belarus. 長崎医学会雑誌 85巻, 2010, pp.179-181査読無.
  5. 林田直美,関谷悠以,高村 昇,山下俊一,Rafalsky R. Mikhailovich,Alexander A. Kozlovsky,Gutevich A.Konstantihovich,Daniliuk Valery Vasilievich:ウクライナ・ジトミール州における内部被ばく線量の経時的変化. 第50回原子爆弾後障害研究会講演集 pp.57-9, 2010
  6. 平良文亨, アレクサンダー・グテビッチ, アレクサンダー・カズロフスキー, マラット・ウラザリン, 林田直美, 高村 昇:チェルノブイリ,セミパラチンスクおよび長崎における放射線被ばくリスクについて.長崎医学会雑誌 85 (Suppl): 319-21, 2010.
  7. 関谷悠以, 林田直美, Irina Karevskaya, Olga Vasilitsova, 高村 昇:ロシアのブリヤンスク州におけるチェルノブイリ原発事故後の住民の線量評価.長崎医学会雑誌 85 (Suppl): 322-23, 2010.


  1. Taira Y, Hayashida N, Zhavaranak S, Kozlovsky A, Lyzikov A, Yamashita S, Takamura N. Urinary iodine concentrations in urban and rural areas around Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. Endocr J 56(2):257-61, 2009
  2. Akulevich NM, Saenko VA, Rogounovitch TI, Drozd VM, Lushnikov EF, Ivanov VK, Mitsutake N, Kominami R, Yamashita S. Polymorphisms of DNA damage response genes in radiation-related and sporadic papillary thyroid carcinoma. Endocr Relat Cancer. 16(2):491-503, 2009.