Division of Scientific Data Registry:Tissue and Histopathology Section
HOME>Division of Scientific Data Registry : Tissue and Histopathology Section

Aims of Study
The mission of this section is to collect, compile and preserve the clinicopathological data and tissue samples of atomic bomb survivors and to display forever evidence of the atomic bombings, disasters beyond description and unprecedented in human history. Another purpose is to establish a new methodology suitable for genetic studies on surgical materials from atomic bomb victims. After the implementation of gene extraction, the samples will be provided to genetic researchers for molecular biological analysis.

Specific Projects
1) Clinicopathological data, tissue/organ samples and histopathological sections obtained at autopsies conducted at Nagasaki University and the Radiation Effects Research Foundation are registered in a computer data base and are used for various studies. Investigation using this information and materials are being conducted to elucidate the relationship between atomic bomb exposure and diseases such as leukemia, malignant tumors of specific organs and nonneoplastic diseases.
2) Basic studies are now underway to establish an improved and efficient methodology for extracting DNA and/or RNA from the autopsy materials stored for many years.

Background and Scope
Approximately 5,000 tissue/organ samples obtained at autopsies are kept in the storage room as pathology specimens, and computers have been used to store clinicopathological information on autopsy cases. All autopsy records, including photographs, have been stored in a laser disk filing system. Moreover, an enormous volume of scientific information and pathology specimens from atomic bomb victims collected by American and Japanese investigators from immediately after the bombing were returned by the U.S. Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP) to Japan. These consist of approximately 8,000 files containing medical records and autopsy data, some 300 formalin-fixed tissue specimens, 350 paraffin-embedded blocks, 200 histological sections and 600 photographs, and all have been carefully compiled and stored.

When a system to provide genes (gene groups) to genetic specialists is established along with clinicopathological information obtained from tissue/organs of atomic bomb victims and those probably affected by irradiation, it will be possible to analyze the genetic aberrations from the viewpoint of specialized themes. Scientific information derived from these cooperative studies will help to shed light on irradiation injuries and thus to find a key to the prediction, prevention and treatment of radiation injuries.

2022 2012 2002  
2021 2011 2001  
2020 2010 2000  
2019 2009 1999  
2018 2008 1998  
2017 2007 1997  
2016 2006 1996  
2015 2005 1995  
2014 2004 1994  
2013 2003 1993-1989
      PDF dataPDF
  The Medical Effects of Atomic Bombing  
  Atomic Bomb Rescue and Relief Report:Dr.Takashi Nagai  
  Pathological Effects : Dr. Issei Nishimori  
  My Experience and Damages : Dr. Raisuke Shirabe  
  Dr. Raisuke Shirabe's Survey Sheets  
  Final Report of Manhattan Investigation  
  Archives related to damage from Atomic bombing  
  The damage at Medical College and Hospital  
  A-bomb experiences of medical staffs  
  Reminiscences at the time (Japanese)  
  Foget-me-not (Wasunenagusa)  
  Exhibition Room  
  Atomic Bombing Q&A for Kids  
  Atomic Bomb Survivor Database  
  Division of Scientific Data Registry
Biostatistics Section
Tissue and Histopathology Section
Research Reports